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Eric Vincent
生于 Ohio
25 years
Mama anđela M.Blekic
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to: Eric Vincent
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Diana Rushin



When I think about you I remember all the fun times we had living at Aunt Teri's. Most of my favorite memories are with you, Julie and Brittany. I especially love the memories of us going to Taco Bell almost every night at 3:30am, and we would get there just in time to order before they closed. I remember all the fun we had at Geauga Lake when you did the rip cord and I thought you were so crazy. And of course the time the Michel Buble commercial came on, that is my most precious memory of you...we all laughed so hard at that one. You were such a great person and so easy to talk to. You always gave everyone another chance and didnt judge people. I can't believe you are gone, I wish we could have had the chance to hang out again, at least one more time. Thank you for all the fun times we had and for making Brittany so happy for so many years. You are and will always be a part of our family and it would take way more than a lifetime to forget you. Watch over us all Eric, we know you are in a much better place now. RIP until we see eachother again!

big brother...
I can't even begin... My heart is so full of sorrow, my brain is so much mush... I have more regrets for not trying harder for you, Brother... For being resentful, and for what? For nothing.... not anymore. I miss you so much bro, I wish I could tell you how sorry I am for being so cold for so long... All the opportunities I missed to make new memories... We might not have always had the best of times, but you were always there... we could always save you... I keep waiting for you to come on down in your beat-up little toyota and walk in... with your cheesy-ass smile and somethin' rediculous to say right away...  Oh Gosh, Eric... I dunno why it had to be you, brother... I'll never know why, but all I know is I'll never EVER forget your wonderful personality, no matter how lost your were in life; you were so much fun and acted with so much enthusiasm... I wish to see your smile and hear you laugh  everyday... Everyday I'll cherish a memory... It's so hard now, but I know it'll get easier... I just wish the last words I said to you weren't "don't eat that brownie!" ........ I love you Eric! God I miss you! I want you to know I never meant to let time slip away from us being close......... I'll never forgive myself for it......... Good-bye, my brother.... I'll never get to say it to your face, but I'll never believe it's forever.... Miss you always....

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Brittany a.k.a Bert

Bee Poop :)

  I was just sitting here thinking about you.  Remember that time that the frog got into the apartment and i was so scared that i left and went to my mom's?  Then you called me and told me that you got it out five minutes after I left.  Or the time there was that giant toad outside and you made fun of me for being scared of it.  Then you stepped on it with your bare feet and threw it across the yard.  Or watching everybody loves "Murray."  And you would make me watch the history channel and uitimate fighting but you would always make it up to me by watching those law and order marathons even though we watched every episode a million times.  Or that time we went to cedar point and i hit that curb at mcdonalds and i almost left mike at the gas station on the turnpike.  There are so many good memories that i will never forget.  You were the biggest part of my life for so many years and i will never forget you...ever.  You were my first love, the person who was always there for me.  I only wish that i would hace talked to you more than what i did.  I will never forgive myself. we will all miss you and you will be a part of the family forever.  I love you always....Bert

heather vincent
Big brother,
     I have a lifetime of memories to reflect upon. I couldn't even pick a place to start. I remember when i was small and we went to the lake eerie and a poisonous caterpillar fell in your shirt from a tree and you were covered in a rash for days from its poison. Or all the nights we spent sleeping out in the club house - where you would convince us to sneak out and TP some houses. When we went on vacation and I got a stuffed toy that had a squeaking bit in it and you cut it out because you wanted to annoy the crap out of people with it. When you taught me how to tie my shoes and ride my bike. When i was a kid and I was playing at an inside play ground in the pool off colorful balls and you saved me and nyki from being bullied by a couple of boys throwing the plastic balls at us. Christmas sleeping in your room waiting for santa to come and you would convince us that the small sounds we heard was him. On easter you would take us to the park to find easter eggs and then steal half the candy. Or when a kid stole my bag of candy on trick-o-treat night and you hunted him down to get it back. Or just this past summer when Raphael was here you went to Cedar Point with us and bought that picture of me and raphael on the Top Thrill Dragster...i got so mad at you for that. That's the scariest picture of me ever. All the runs we took together and reflected upon our lives, listening and never judging each other. Just enjoy each other's company and a warm place to land in hard times. Or my last memory of you, coming into my work asking me where my "stalker" was who always bothers me at work - always ready to protect me you were....and then we joked and teased each other and as you left the store I yelled to you that I loved you. Those were my very last words. Although I was too busy to turn to see your face, I knew you were smiling cos you loved me too. I couldn't have ever been more blessed with a better brother. Over the past year or so we had really became best friends. We could talk so easily and always left each other in side stitches because we'd laugh so long and so hard. I am happy to say that I share your humor because I can continue to share you uncanny wit with the world. It's only been two days, but that's two days too long without seeing you...and now I have to go a lifetime. You turned to me when you had a problem and you always made sure that I knew how much you loved me and appreciated all the time we spent together. I know that I let you know how much I loved you too, each time i saw you. You always made me feel like everything was going to be ok no matter how down i was and you succeeded. That's why I know now that I will be ok. Thank you for always being my brother, my protector, my shoulder to lean on, my best friend. All these memories and more are mine to keep - they'll keep the spot in my heart meant only for you company. I love you, with all my heart, my soul - full of a universe overflowing with undying and infinite love! I will miss you every second of every day.

Sleep now deserve this peaceful rest.
Julie Rushin

I will be coming to this page a lot to add my favorite stories, I just know it. = )

One that I would like to share is this past summer when me, you, Britt and Mike all went up to Cedar Point and we were so bored in line for the Maverick so we played the ABC game, but tried to make it all about bad stuff. We were all laughing and having such a good time, the wait didnt seem as long as what it was. You had a gift of humor and I will miss all your silliness. <3 Julie

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