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Eric Vincent
Born in Ohio
25 years
Mama anđela M.Blekic
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to: Eric Vincent
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Sara Haas



I dont even know where to start....i can't believe we knew each other for almost 10 years!!  I remember meeting you at high school when you were 15 or 16.  You would be in the hallways waiting for class wearing that fishermans hat EVERYDAY!!!You were hanging out with Nick and Tom.  Those were some memories there!!!  You were one of the only people i kept in touch with from school.  I remember hanging out with birttney g. and josh at her apartment in kent and even Talbott.....we had some crazy times!!! we would always decide to go driving somewhere at like 11 at night. I remember when you met brittany and we would hang out at mariachi's and that pizza place down the road (roma's or something like that).  You were there for Josh and i know you 2 had a blast when you were together.  Me and birttany had some fun times together too. I saw birttany's messages about karaoke at the bowling alley and josh making that comment, those were some GREAT times.  I still think of you and wonder how this could of happened...... I just can't believe you are not around anymore, i thought you would always be there in my life, somehow, no matter where you were, and for those 10 years whether we spoke a lot or didnt talk to each other for a while, we always seemed to meet again and it was like things never changed.  You were a great guy and a great friend and i miss getting to hang with you and josh(opie) and brittany(bert), i miss those old days.  I hope you are in a much better place and someday we can meet again and share all those MEMORIES!!! 

Teri Matulis

Well Eric, we mulched Newcomer's today, July 19.  We didn't get it done of course, it takes too long to do in one day.  We talked about you and how much of a help you were.  Steve brought his new tractor along to help, but I still think it was faster with you loading the wheelbarrows!!  I'm sure you're mulching God's garden now.  We miss you much and think of you often!  Love always, Teri


heather vincent
It's a beautiful day today Eric. There's a ionic sent in the air - it smells like it might rain, but it's sunny and bright. The grass is still greening but the shadows of the tree branches make the winter brown disappear. I wish you could see this. Smell this. Feel this. Spring is so amazing. You had spring 24 times in your life and nearly 25..just a few weeks later. It reminds me of last spring when we went running but right after we went to Dairy Queen to get blizzards. It kind of defeated the point of going for the run in the first place. That was kind of our thing, running or going to get DQ Blizzards. You always got a medium mint oreo blizzard with extra oreo. How many times did i say that at the order sign!? A lot! You didn't always make me pay though, you more often that not offered to pay. That was your way of saying, hey,  it's my treat to be hanging with ya sis, let me handle it. When i got my car you were flipping out like, "you got a way nicer car that i ever got for my first!" and you'd make sure when i got dirty looking that you'd offer to go with me to spray it off and sweep it out. I keep it in tip top shape, but there was times during winter that i let it slide but you didn't really let me. In fact, the last person to sit in my passenger seat was you, and you always positioned it exactly as you wanted and now I won't let anyone reposition it. It's like a bit of you that lives on in something that is mine. I sleep in the livingroom where your ashes are, at first i thought it was because I didn't want to sleep upstairs where it's very quiet with my own thoughts at night, but i figured out that subconsciously i just want to be near you and don't want to leave you alone. I'll write more later because some of us have to go make money (lol you'd get so annoyed when i told you that xP)

love you always
Julie Rushin
Hey Erv!!
Just thinking back to when I first met you and we talked for hours. I asked you so many questions and I remember thinking how cool and funny you were. That was when Britt was with Stoney. After that we became fast friends. I miss living at Aunt Teri's with you guys, ordering unhealthy food every night, 2 AM taco bell runs, movie nights, parties with Diana and Pete and all of our friends, going to Roma's, our millions of smoke breaks where we would talk and laugh.... Almost every memory I have of you is a positive one! I miss you so much, it hurts. But I know you are happier now, and I know that one day I will see you again. I will try and write you again soon. Miss you tons. xoxo
Nyki Vincent

There are so many memories of you, I don't even know how to start... When you and Brittany were together, we were closest. So many times I came over to your guys'  many residences just to hang out, or spend the night with you guys. I remember that one time when I was 16 you were living with Brit in Hartville at the time and me and my friend Ashley (who was only 14 at the time!) came to your guys' apartment and hung out and got into some not so legal things for teens lol. And then the next morning you drove us home on a suspended license and got pulled over. You worked that cop so smoothly, I don't know how he just let you off....but he did. Even though Ashley was in the backseat freaking out! That was you, Eric, the sweet talker. You could talk your way out of anything... So much potential put in all the wrong places hahaha! OR the many, many times I'd come over to that house on the corner of newton and 532 and we'd all hang out in james' room playing video games, laughing so hard at each other we'd get stitches in our sides sometimes....

I love you brother, your laughter is still in my head. I'm never letting that go. Never forget you, your voice, the way you always tried to make people laugh no matter what was going on at the time... I just wish we'd hung out more towards the end of your life. That's the only regret I have, brother, not letting you know I truly enjoyed being around you then... and for that I'm sorry.

Love you, always,
Total Memories: 16
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